2 Diet recipes Honey Potent Lower 15Kg

2 Diet recipes Honey Potent Lower 15Kg.  If some time ago we already discussed about the diet varied artist Korea. the various ways to regulate his diet to maintain a body ideally. on this occasion, the recipe today will try to share the healthy diet recipes and easy to dipratekkan. natural diet recipes is famous as the name of a diet of honey.
For those of you who are running programs healthy diet of course never heard of diet recipes honey it's not? Diet recipes honey this is already proven to lose weight easily and naturally healthy. you don't need a strict diet and torturing yourself in the running of this honey diet. because you still can have breakfast and dinner. It's just the dining portion deducted from the normally and don't be greedy.

You may eat a certain amount of your favorite and stop before it is too full. and key in the diet recipes honey this is regular exercise, at least 3 x a day. then do not be too much to drink beverages that contain a strong taste or too sweet. perbanyaklah better drink plain water, at least 8 glasses a day.

Well in this occasion we will allot 2 honey Recipes at once a proven able to healthilylose weight naturally. So what the heck, how diet this honey? curious? yuck look fine discussion about how to run a honey diet below.

Benefits Of Honey

Honey is not only serves to strengthen the resistance of the body, it turns out she also serves to lose weight. Waw, anyway? well, that's the reality. you know, if not in one spoon of honey contains 17 grams of carbohydrates. so indirectly, the honey will meet the needs of our bodies need carbs.

By consuming honey we no need to eat rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes or other karbohidrat food. Besides honey can also replace the sugar we consume daily. so the conclusion of honey is not the same with other confections, because honey has a low glycemic index. so consumed is well suited for those of you who are running a diet to meet the needs of sugar and carbohydrates in the body.

The Benefits Of Lime Juice Or Lemon

In The book "The Lemon Juice Diet" author Teresa Cheung said that a bad digestive system can affect fat burning. According to him, the accumulation of toxins in the body causes the body's inability to absorb nutrients and stimulate parts of the brain that control hunger.

In the book "The Complete Master Cleanse" also the author Tom Woloshyn said that the lemon in the diet can help the digestive system by stimulating the production of bile and saliva that in fact serve to digest food. so with that we consume a lime or lemon, can help our digestive system better. Besides the benefits of lime and lemon also acts as a anticks Idan will clean out the digestive system.

First, Diet Recipes Drinks Honey And Lemon Or Lime Juice

An English writer, Mike Mclnnes lyrics honey diet in his book entitled The Honey Diet. He says that consuming warm water with lemon (lime) and honey can help the ladies lose weight. consume regularly drink warm water lemon and honey for a week can reduce weight by as much as 3 pounds or the equivalent of 1.4 Kilograms.

Then Mclnnes explains, honey diet done by drinking warm water that was given a feeling of lemon and honey by as much as one to two tablespoons. honey in diet will replace sugar needs in the daily activities of our body. In addition, honey also requires a reduction in the intake of simple carbohydrates such as potatoes, wheat and rice.

In addition to drinking warm lemon water and honey, for honey dieters must also consume vegetables as much as possible. but to consume the recommended fruits do not too much. because the content of sugar in the fruit we have replace it with honey. Then how to make the drink a diet of lemon and honey? the following ingredients and how to make it.

Warm Drinks ingredients Lemon honey:
1. 1 cup warm water
2. Lemon or lime juice 2 tablespoons
3. Pure honey 2 tablespoons

How To Make Lemon Honey Hot Drinks:
1. Take warm water that was already prepared, and mix with the lime juice and honey.mix until blended.
2. Serve while warm.

You can drink warm water honey lemon this time of the morning when the stomachis still in a State of blank and after you mengkonsumi fatty foods, lunch or dinner. how, it's easy not the lemon honey diet?

Second, Prescription Diet Drink Honey And Cinnamon

The famous cinnamon used to scent of adds on the cuisine and this cake turns out to be efficacious also in losing weight. because the diet of honey and cinnamon wasbecame popular some time ago in terms of weight loss. even in an iconic site on health there is a woman who claims to be able to lower his weight to 15 Kilo grams ina period of two months.

In addition to consuming warm drink honey and cinnamon, dieters must also undergo a routine exercise. for example, running for 15 minutes, or casual walks for 30 minutes. In addition, you can also do a jump rope if for 15 minutes. This is very helpful at all in terms of weight loss, in addition to healthy badanpun will feel it more fres.

Then how the hell make a warm drink honey and cinnamon? yuck soon audition materials and how to make a warm drink honey and cinnamon to your healthy diet as below.

Ingredients of the drink honey and cinnamon 
1. Cinnamon powder 1/2 teaspoon
2. Hot water 1/2 small glasses
3. 1 tablespoon honey

How To Make A Drink Honey And Cinnamon:
1. The first step, enter the cinnamon powder into a glass, then half a glass of hot watertuangi.
2. Next after the warm honey 1 tablespoon mix, stir-stir until well blended.
3. Serve while warm.

We recommend a warm drink honey and cinnamon drink this morning before breakfast and in the evening before bed. and don't forget the balance with exercise routine every day.

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2 Diet recipes Honey Potent Lower 15Kg
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