Traffic Light Juice drinks origin london

Traffic Light Juice drinks origin london. Not fun if you see colorful creature drinks such as traffic lights? Here's how to makeJuice Traffic Light typical of London. the Green Traffic Light juice Syrup comes fromgramenadine, the yellow color comes from juice, and red color comes from the juice of a watermelon.

Want to make Traffic Light Juice Typical London?

Here's how and materials to make the Traffic Light Juice Typical London:

1. 30 ml gramenadine Syrup
2. 30 ml Orange juice
3. 40 grams Watermelon, blender
4. 200 grams of ice cubes

How to make:
1. Pour syrup qramenadine on the first layer.
2. Pour the orange juice plus grated ice cubes.
3. enter a watermelon already meet at the top.
4. serve and inlaid with pieces of watermelon red.

Want to make other European style juices? Visit and continue to find other interesting and unique recipes.

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Traffic Light Juice drinks origin london
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