How to make Croissants Delicious French-style Cheese Content

How to make Croissants Delicious French-style Cheese Content. - Food type bread does have many variants in each of these either with fillings or alsowith layers like one croissant. The Croissant is a family of the bread it comes with looks that layered. Savory taste is certainly becoming attraction for pre-ordering this one bread type. Then like apa this bread if made the ala home kitchen? Follow the process of serving in the recipe how to make croissants delicious fill of cheese here.

The materials in the prepare.

 Strong wheat flour ½ kg
 Milk 35 gr
 Chicken eggs 2 pcs
 Korsvet 100 gr
 Yeast 10 grams
 25 gr of sugar
 Water 200 ml
 50 gr of butter

 100 gr cheese, cut into lengths

The steps of making Croissants Fill French-style Cheese
  1. As always before making the dough croissants in advance prepare a container tohold all the ingredients will be mixed and dough is created. Once ready, then fill thecontainer with materials in the form of salt, sugarpowdered milk and wheat flour yeast. Mix evenly.
  2. Next, add the mixture ingredients in a container with a ¾ water then knead until it becomes a dough, then use the hand processing time pengkalis (dough)
  3. Add also the mixture ingredients in a container with an already beaten eggs followed by the rest of the water (when the dough still feels hard), and butter. Stir again with the use of hands until completely kalis. Then cover the dough in a container and allow to inflate.
  4. After expanding, squeeze-squeeze back the dough using the dough in the gas so that the imagination is missing then rounded back in the container and let stand 10 minutes.
  5. Next, take korsvet and then separate them to 3 split korsvet and then tipiskan or small pieces.
  6. After that, fill in the korsvet then diroll until 2/3 parts and then lipatkan on the side that is not as by closing 1/3 parts that have been as. Let sit a few moments and thenrepeat the coating up to three times the repetition and let sit back until a few moments ever.
  7. Lastly, roll it back up to shape into thin strips and add with the side in the form of pieces of cheese. After that, lightly coat back by way of rolled like the shape of the Horn.
Crossiant with additional content of the finished cheese is made and now you canmencoanya at home. Good luck!

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How to make Croissants Delicious French-style Cheese Content
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