Food recipes French Escargots de Bourgogne. - France has a wide range of culinary delights of the lure is known in various parts of the world. The one that needs to be tested is a menu called escargot, which in France means animal language slugs, or in the language of the United Kingdom called the snail.
The usual animals live in coastal areas, agricultural areas, and this rice field acreage lots contain toxins due to eating the soil and foliage. Therefore, before it is processed into cuisine, escargot should be cleaned in advance of toxic elements andthe process could spend a couple of days. However, once clear of toxins, escargot is the ingredient containing very high nutritional value. the following menu recipe escargot for you:
The usual animals live in coastal areas, agricultural areas, and this rice field acreage lots contain toxins due to eating the soil and foliage. Therefore, before it is processed into cuisine, escargot should be cleaned in advance of toxic elements andthe process could spend a couple of days. However, once clear of toxins, escargot is the ingredient containing very high nutritional value. the following menu recipe escargot for you:
12 fruit escargot (snails)
10 grams of champignon mushrooms
Olive oil to taste
Minced garlic to taste
Coarsely chopped onion to taste
Salt and pepper to taste.
White wine to taste
100 grams of garlic butter
1/2 grams of parsley leaves, finely chopped
How to make:
1. place the escargot in a strainer, flush with boiling water, then pat dry.
2. Flush champignon mushrooms with boiling water, then pat dry.
3. Heat the olive oil in a skillet. Sautéed escargot to change color.
4. stir in the garlic and chopped onions, Saute until aromatic. Reduce heat, DAB thesalt and pepper to taste, and mix well. Stir in white wine to taste, stirring until winemixed with escargot. Insert mushrooms champignon, mushroom mix until the coloris changed.
5. Lift up the dough, place it in a pyrex heat resistant. Brush with garlic butter, and bake for 3 minutes, until it changes color, lift.
6. Sprinkle with parsley leaves escargot. Serve warm along with garlic bread.
food recipes French Escargots de Bourgogne